áááááMacintosh« LC III or higher, 68030 CPU, 25 MHz or faster
Operating System:
áááááMac OS (operating system) Software 7.1 or higher
ááááá8 MB of available RAM (in addition to RAM used by system)
Hard Disk:
ááááá10 MB of free hard-disk space
ááááá13 in. or larger color monitor & computer capable of displaying at least 256 colors
CD-ROM Drive:
ááááá300 KB/sec or higher transfer rate (double-speed or higher)
Supporting Software:
áááááQuickTime[tm] 2.5 (supplied with product)
áááááMacintosh-compatible printer
Optional Online Requirements
áááááModem (required for online features only)
áááááAccess to the World Wide Web using an Internet Service Provider
ááááá(required for Grolier Internet Index and Grolier Article Updates only)
To use the 1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia« with the Internet you also need additional memory and hard-disk space. Please refer to individual products for specific additional requirements.
Apple, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, LCIII, MacOS, QuickTime, and Sound Manager are registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
1. Insert The 1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia disc (label side up) in the CD-ROM drive. Double-click the GME98 icon that appears on the desktop.
2. Double-click the INSTALL GME98 icon.
3. Drag the Install GME98 icon in the left panel to the desired hard disk in the right panel. When the hard disk icon on the right is highlighted, release the Install GME98 icon. Files will now be copied to your hard disk. At the end of this process you will be prompted to restart.
QuickTime version 2.5 is installed automatically during the GME98 install process. Please disgregard the instructions to "Double-click the QuickTime Install icon" in the GME98 User's Guide for Macintosh.
If you experience problems with the QuickTime[tm] extension, you may have to check the version of QuickTime[tm] that you are using. Follow the steps below to check the version number of QuickTime[tm] that is active in the Extensions folder.
1. Open the hard drive.
2. Open the System Folder on your hard drive.
3. Open the Extensions Folder.
4. Look in the Extensions Folder for QuickTime[tm].
5. Click just once on the QuickTime[tm] icon to highlight it, then go to File/Get Info.
The version number will be shown near the bottom of the Info window.
In the event that the aforementioned install programs fail to complete the installation, please refer to the Manual Install instructions section of this document to learn how to manually install GME98 and QuickTime 2.5.
If you have the application "HP Backgrounder" running, you may have problems installing GME98. Please quit HP Backgrounder and run the GME98 Install program again.
Troubleshooting GME98
In the unlikely event that you encounter a problem running GME98, please:
* Verify that the correct CD-ROM is in the CD-ROM drive. You cannot use The 1998
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia « unless the CD-ROM is in the CD-ROM drive
* áVerify that your equipment meets or exceeds the system requirements stated
* áEnsure that you are not running any other applications in the background.
* áVerify that you are alloting enough RAM to the application.
You can check the RAM allocated to the application by clicking just once on the GME98 application icon on your hard drive, then selecting Get Info from the File menu. In the lower-right corner of the Get Info window, you will see a section labeled Memory Requirements. The amount of available RAM for the GME should be no lower than the "Minimum Size" given in the Memory Requirements section of the Get Info dialog box.
* Disable all extensions except for your CD-ROM drivers, QuickTime[tm] 2.5, QuickTime[tm] Musical Instruments, ObjectSupportLib, Sound Manager, and Sound. Restart your Macintosh and try running the program. If it runs fine with just these extensions enabled, then you were having an extension conflict. Use the process of elimination to determine which of your extensions are conflicting with The 1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia«.
* áTry removing the currently installed GME98 folder from your hard drive (click and drag the folder to the trash icon, select Empty Trash... from the Special menu). Then, re-install the product.
Error Messages
"The Application Unknown has unexpectedly quit because of an error
of type 1"
In many cases, the number listed after type in this error message may also read 2, 3, or 11, but the causes are generally the same. Errors of this nature are normally caused by extension conflicts or a conflict in memory. See the instructions below for further information on eliminating this error.
"There is not enough Memory to run this application. Try closing some windows."
This error is normally related to the memory allocated to GME98 or the need to have Virtual Memory turned on. Both of the errors listed above can be corrected through the following steps:
First, try adjusting the memory allocated to the GME98.
á1.áOpen the folder GME98 on your hard drive.
á2.áClick the GME98 application icon once.
á3.áGo to File on the menu bar and down to Get Info. You should see the memory
requirements for the program.
á4.áChange the Preferred Memory Setting to equal the Minimum, even if this means
lowering this number.
Second, try disabling most of your extensions except for the extensions required by the GME98 as described under step 5 in the General section listed above.
Third, try turning on Virtual Memory.
á1.áSelect the Apple menu bar.
á2.áChoose Control Panel.
á3.áDouble-click the Memory Control Panel.
á4.áClick Virtual Memory on and restart your Macintosh to make this take effect.
"QuickTime installation failed because it was already installed"
If you are getting this error message when you start your machine, check to be sure you have only one copy of QuickTime in your Extensions folder.
1.áOpen the hard drive.
2.áOpen the System Folder on your hard drive.
3.áOpen the Extensions Folder.
4.áLook in the Extensions Folder for more than one copy of QuickTime[tm].
5.áCheck the version number of each copy of QuickTime[tm]. To do this, click just once on
the icon for QuickTime to highlight it, then go to File, and Get Info. The version
number will be shown near the bottom of the Info window.
6.áYou will want to keep one copy of QuickTime[tm] 2.5 and remove any others. Place other
versions in the Trash or create a new folder on the hard drive (not in the System
Folder) to store them temporarily. Restart the computer. Once the computer is
restarted, you may empty the Trash of extraneous versions.
"Can't Find QuickTime Lib"
This error is deceiving because it is not typically caused by a QuickTime[tm] problem as the error message indicates. Although this error could occur if QuickTime[tm] does not get installed, this error is most often related to a problem with memory. You may need to adjust the memory allocated to the GME98 or turn on virtual memory to eliminate this error as outlined below.
To adjust the memory allocated to the GME98:
1.áOpen the folder GME98 on your hard drive.
2.áClick the GME98 application icon once.
3.áGo to File on the menu bar and down to Get Info. You should see the memory
requirements for the program.
4.áChange the Preferred Memory Setting to equal the minimum, even if this means
lowering this number.
Secondly, try turning on Virtual Memory.
1.áSelect the Apple menu bar.
2.áChoose Control Panel.
3.áDouble-click the Memory Control Panel.
4.áClick Virtual Memory on and restart your Macintosh to make this take effect.
"This is not a Macintosh disk, please insert the CD-ROM"
An error of this nature could occur if there is a problem reading the 1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia« CD-ROM. If this type of message does occur you should try cleaning the bottom (unprinted) side of the Grolier CD-ROM with a soft cloth working from the center to the outside edge of the disk in a straight line. Cleaning the disk is also a good thing to try if you insert the Grolier CD-ROM and do not receive an icon on your desktop or if you encounter an error mentioning that the files needed to run this program cannot be located.
After cleaning the Macintosh CD-ROM you may also want to try reinstalling it to update the files for the program on the hard drive. If the GME98 files on the hard drive have become corrupted, reinstalling the program will overwrite them and should repair any problems.
Printing Problems
Printing problems with the 1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia« can exhibit themselves in many forms including type 1 and 11 error messages but the underlying causes usually relate to memory or a conflict in memory. To resolve printing problems with the Macintosh GME98 try the following suggestions.
1) Try adjusting the memory allocated to the GME98.
áa.áOpen the folder GME98 on your hard drive.
áb.áClick the GME98 application icon once.
ác.áGo to File on the menu bar and down to Get Info. You should see the memory
requirements for the program.
ád.áChange the Preferred Memory Setting to equal the Minimum, even if this means
lowering this number.
2) Try turning on virtual memory by doing the following:
áa.áSelect the Apple menu bar.
áb.áChoose Control Panel.
ác.áDouble-click the Memory Control Panel.
ád.áClick Virtual Memory on and restart your Macintosh to make this take effect.
3) Disable the Printed Page Count Alert.
a. You can disable the printed page count alert by opening the 1998 Grolier Multimedia
Encyclopedia« and going under Edit and scrolling down to Preferences.
b. Uncheck the option for Printed Page Count Alert and click OK in Preferences to make
this take effect.
4) Turn off background printing.
You can turn off background printing by going under the Apple on the menu bar to the
Chooser. When you see your printer listed in the chooser, double-click the printer
you are using. Choose the option to turn off background printing and click OK to any
prompts that ask about saving the changes when you close the chooser window.
Setting Preferences in GME98
Display Registration Reminder
Checked: Registration Reminder screen will appear each time the
program is run.
Unchecked: Registration Reminder screen is disabled.
Display Title Screen
Checked: Title Screen will be displayed at program startup.
Unchecked: The GME98 will bring you directly to the program.
Disable # of Print Pages Alert
Checked: Number of Print Pages alert is not displayed.
Unchecked: Number of Print Pages alert is displayed.
Resume Last Session
Checked: Returns you to the feature and location of your last
session in the GME98.
Unchecked: GME98 will start in the Articles feature with the letter A
article displayed.
Last-Used Window Size and Position
Selected: GME98 starts up with the window size and position you
had at the time you quit your last GME98 session.
Disable Enhanced Article Display
Checked: The article text fills the entire article display area.
Unchecked: A thumbnail of the most relevant multimedia item (when
available) appears in the left-hand margin of the
article display area.
Paste Styled Text
Checked: Pastes your selection into the Clipboard as styled text, complete
with any instances of italic, bold, or underlined text.
Unchecked: Pastes your selection as plain text.
Enable Online Features
Checked: The online button will appear in the lower-left corner of GME98.
Unchecked: The online button will not appear. You will not have access to the online
features in GME98 if this preference is unchecked.
Use Default Settings Button
This resets all your preferences to the default settings.
Font/Font Size
This setting indicates what font and font size will be used to display
article text.
Choose Interface Theme
This setting allows you to customize the look of GME98 by applying a new
interface "theme". Choose a theme from the list and click OK to make that theme
Set Password Button
Schools and libraries may wish to take advantage of this preference in
order to have control over the configuration of the Word Processor and
Web browser in a public environment.
Simply enter the desired password on the first line and then again on the
second line to confirm your choice.
Choose Browser Button
Click the Web Browser button to configure the GME98 to work with your
web browser for access to the online features directly from the GME98.
Click the Browse button and navigate to the folder containing your
web browser. Then click once on the application file for your browser
and then click Open.
Word Processor Button
Click the Word Processor button to configure the GME98 to work with
your Word Processing program. Click the Browse button and navigate to
the folder containing your Word Processor. Click once on the
application file for your Word Processor and then click Open.
Keyboard Shortcuts
[Apple] + 1 = Articles
[Apple] + 2 = Gallery
[Apple] + 3 = Atlas
[Apple] + 4 = Timelines
[Apple] + 5 = Guided Tours
[Apple] + 6 = Interactivities
[Apple] + A = Select All
[Apple] + B = Clear
[Apple] + C = Copy
[Apple] + H = History
[Apple] + K = Knowledge Tree
[Apple] + P = Print
[Apple] + Q = Quit
[Apple] + S = Save As
[Apple] + V = Paste
[Apple] + X = Cut
[Apple] + Z = Undo
Online Features
The GME is both a rich reference source and a connection to the vast resources contained on the Internet. You can find updated articles and thousands of carefully chosen links to Internet World Wide Web sites through The Grolier Internet Index.
How does this actually work?
Starting from a linked article within the GME, you can click the Online button in the lower right corner of GME98. This will take you to a screen that lists the types of links available for this article. You will need both a modem and an Internet account from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) (see the enclosed AT&T WorldNet Service brochure for more information) to complete the connection.
If you already have an Internet account:
If you are already on the Internet, you will be asked to point the GME to your Internet browser the first time you click on any of the online buttons.
To set up your Web browser in GME98 do the following:
1) Start the GME98.
2) When you are in the GME98, go up to Edit and select Preferences.
3) Click the button labeled Choose Browser.
4) Double-click the folder for your Web browser's application file on your hard drive.
Click OK in Preferences to make this take effect.
Once your Web browser is connected to the GME98 through Preferences you can obtain more information by clicking one of the buttons for either the Grolier Internet Index or GME Article Updates.
If you do NOT yet have an Internet account:
For those who are not yet on the Internet but who want to use the Grolier Online features, we've included AT&T WorldNet Service software, which includes a specially customized version of Netscape Navigator software. To install, click on the "Install AT&T WorldNet Service" icon in the GME98 folder on your hard disk. When asked during the installation process for a registration code, please use the following:
For current AT&T Long Distance Customers: LMSQIM631
For non-AT&T Long Distance Customers: LMSQIM632
Consult the enclosed AT&T WorldNet Service brochure for installation tips and instructions.
If you have any technical problems during installation of this service, please call AT&T at the phone number provided below:
AT&T WorldNet Service (800)400-1447.
Or if you have access to the Internet, check out the following website:
You must have a fully working Internet connection to use any of the online features.
The first time you click any of the online buttons in the GME you will be asked to set your browser. On the GME menu, select Edit, Preferences and Web Browser. In the Grolier Internet Access dialog that pops up, click the Browse button. You must find and identify the browser's application file that you have installed and want to use for your Internet connection.
Be sure that the file you select is the browser's application file rather than another application. Selecting an application other than a browser may cause GME98 to crash.
Updating the Online Index
Grolier is always adding more links to online information. Therefore, you will need to obtain an updated version of the Online Index periodically. To do this, go to the Tools menu in GME98 and select Update Online Index. Also, if you use the online feature and have an outdated Online Index file, you will be presented with the opportunity to update this file. Simply follow the on-screen instructions.
Using Apple's OpenTransport 1.1.1
OpenTransport is the program Apple created to give their systems better access to network and on-line communications. On some Power Mac and Performa systems the version of Netscape for the Mac included in the 1998 GME product requires OpenTransport 1.1.1 update software at least in order to setup your internet connection. For more information on OpenTransport and other Apple requirements you can call Apple at 1-800-293-6617 (Canadian Customers 1-800-361-6075). Or, if you have access to the Internet, you can check out the web page: "http://www.info.apple.com/" and read any of the files named "OT PPP".
Academic Citations
The text and graphical materials in the 1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia are copyrighted. Any time you copy or paste from the GME98 for a report, paper, etc., you must give proper credit. For an article, list the author's name (if available), the article title, and copyright (c) 1997 Grolier, Inc., Danbury, CT. A copyright notice is automatically added to any item you print from GME98.
How to Contact Grolier Interactive
Before calling for technical support, please have the following information ready:
á1.áFAX number.
á2.áHome or work phone number.
á3.áE-mail address if you have access to this.
á4.áThe following information if applicable:
ááááa.áDetailed description of your problem including any error messages you are receiving.
ááááb.áName/make/model/speed of your Macintosh computer.
áááác.áVersion of the MacOS (operating system) software your are using.
áááád.áNumber of colors you are running: Black & White, 16, 256, Thousands,
áááááá or Millions of colors.
ááááe.áFor printing problems, we will need the make/model of your printer.
áááááá We also need to know whether you are attempting to print in black & white
áááááá or color.
f. Please note the version number on the face of the Grolier CD and whether this
version appears to the right or left of the center hole in the CD.
áááTelephone: (203) 797-3336 Toll charges apply.
áááFAX: (203) 797-3835 Toll charges apply.
áááBBS: (203) 797-6872 See below for more information.
áááInternet: http://gi.grolier.com
áááE-mail: techsup@grolier.com
Mail: Grolier Interactive, Inc.
Attn: Technical Support
90 Sherman Turnpike
Danbury, CT 06816
The Grolier BBS
Contact Grolier by modem 24 hours a day! Grolier Interactive is offering a Bulletin Board Service (BBS) to better meet your technical support needs.
You can use the BBS to send our Technical Support team messages concerning any problems you encounter. In most cases, you will receive a response to your question within one working day. To read our response to you, simply call the BBS the next day. If we have responded, you will automatically be notified at the time you connect.
Please remember the ID and PASSWORD you use when you leave us your message. In order to receive your reply, you will have to log-on using the same ID and PASSWORD.
Our BBS number is (203) 797-6872. You will need a 2400 bps or higher speed modem to access the board. Set your communications software to:
Manual Installation Instructions
1. Insert The 1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia[tm] disc (label side up) into the
CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the GME98 icon that appears on the desktop.
3. Double-click the "For Manual Installation" folder in the GME98 window.
4. Copy (click and drag) the "Drag to hard drive" folder to the hard drive.
5. Change the name of the "Drag to hard drive" folder on the hard drive to GME98.
6. Close the "Drag to hard drive" window.
7. Double-click the "Put in System Folder" icon.
8. If you do not have QuickTime[tm] version 2.5 or later, copy (click and drag) these (4)
file icons to the System Folder on the hard drive.
- QuickTime[tm]
- QuickTime[tm] Musical Instruments
- Sound
- Sound Manager
If you have a Power Macintosh or a Performa with a PowerPC microprocessor,
copy (click and drag) the (2) file icons to the System Folder on the hard drive.
- ObjectSupportLib
- QuickTime[tm] PowerPlug
9. Double-click on the "GME98" folder on your hard drive.
10. Create a new folder inside the GME98 folder called "GME Search Accels" (no quotes).
11. Double-click the "Databases" folder on the GME98 CD-ROM.
12. Double-click the "Grengine Databases" folder.
13. Double-click the "MAC.IDX" folder.
14. Copy all the files from this folder EXCEPT GME98.M_U to the "GME Search
Accels" folder you created in step #10.
15. Close all open windows and applications.
16. Restart your Macintosh.
17. To run the GME98:
a. Double-click the hard drive icon on your desktop.
b. Double-click the GME98 folder.
c. Double-click the GME98 application icon to start the program.